Music Producer near KINGSTON ON

Cherie Avenue

The following is a brief description of my project, a 5 song EP.
Artist name: Cherie Eastwood
Genre: pop
Minimum I want 3 producers for my project because I fear of my songs all sounding the same. Videography, not mvid.

5 song titles:
1)Green Light Go…………………………….TAKEN
2)I’mma keep running, running……………TAKEN
(Bridge winded up being a whole other song called Northern Lights, country-rock, ie.Kenny Shepard-blue on black, ie. Brown Noise, the shizz niz, ie. Fight club car scene)
3)intermission song ……………………AVAILABLE
4)He’s wrong….re-titled Ship him out………RESERVED
5)Let the house fall………………………………Comprehension……………….TAKEN
………………………………Let the House Fall……………TAKEN
(1 song turned into 2 songs)
Release deadline: Oct 2024……….the latest to the public
Music producer, Total budget:$6000, cannot go over $6,000
Songs that can be subbed in: Lost in the light of truth, Regret sx.

1)Up-up in your own world………………………..AVAILABLE.
2)Self-care (duet with another girl)………………AVAILABLE.
3)intermission song………………………………….AVAILABLE.
4)That girl, that girl in the bathroom……………………..AVAIALBLE. retirement money.
Must have done prior songs with me in order to do this song.
5)Beauty Queen Answers(Cat fight)………………………….AVAILABLE.
AVAILABLE=you can take it. I try to give the current music producers first dibs(my way of showing loyalty) Ie. the music producers in Toronto and Atlanta. But I’m soooo impatient. RESERVED=middleground. ie.They want to do this song but it’s been pushed back. ie.stalemate/unresponsive/in the midst. TAKEN=song has been started, it’s official, processing, finishing revisions. Every music producer has their own MO. music producer in Atlanta wants to do about 8-10 songs with me, but they have this code, only one song at a time.
Songs that can be subbed in: He’s Sleazy, or Green Light Go (if I swap it out from first EP).

Release those 2 EPs as complete packages. After that,
Release solo songs…………as I go, as they are made……….try to release a song once every two weeks.
Release Albums using ‘waterfall’ method.

Boost my mood girls only (hip-hop)
Old wives’ tales (country)
Family Problems (my signature sound)
Purple Pickett Fence
White sheep treated like a black sheep

Total of 96 songs. There’s not a single soul on
the planet that’s heard all of them.
Make the songs.
Make music videos(5), videography/lyric vid(5),
still pics(5), for each album, roughly. Post.
Continue to work on my movie scripts.
(Note everything is a moving target, things in these booklets change as I go)

• You will be given the lyrics word docs.
• I do mini-audition. You pick out of that small set.
Not a person, not a single soul, has ever heard all my songs before.
• You will be given 2 Booklets printed off, or Attachments in email.
I wrote this down, so I don’t have to repeat myself to music producers every time. Despite being a Singer, I don’t like oral communication, unless I actually feel emotionally secure with you. My written material serves as a ‘baseline’, and then I fill in the gaps when we meet in-person; pure logic, sad that cops and front desk girls at law firms don’t get it. I’m getting 3 Bodyguards/Managers soon, budget constraints, even if I wasn’t becoming a Singer, I’d still need these Bodyguards, because I’ve suffered that much in my lifetime. Medium quote “You have suffered more in your first 30yrs of life, than what most people suffer from in a lifetime.”
Attached is 5 song EP…………………12 pages.
Budget Table
Why do Artist’s do an EP
Videography details
Music producer Business Admin
Music producer Details
Music producer Discussion

Attached is Job Post: composer/music producer…………………..21pages.
Album description
Song List
The game plan
Show and tell
Warm up songs list
Contact page

I’m a Medical Laboratory Technologist. MLT.
I have a Bachelor of Science, major in Biochemistry, 4yr honours. (From The University of Winnipeg)
I have a 2yr diploma, Medical Laboratory Sciences, honours. (From Red River College)
Born and raised in Winnipeg. Moved for my career. I am 36yrs old.
I am a writer in my spare time. I write songs and I write movie scripts.
I need 3 Bodyguards, 1 transactional manager, 2 sync agents and 3 passive investors, and then life will be rolling smoothly.

I get along better with Fire signs and Air signs.
Fire signs, natural ebb n flow.
Air signs, match my intelligence level.
I’m a Libra. Worst compatibility: Cancer, Capricorn(Astrology says), Taurus (added based on my life experience). Worth mentioning here so it spares both of us the misery.

According to the Myer Briggs Personality Test, I am an ENTJ, which stands for Extroverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, and Judging. ENTJs are natural born leaders. They are known for examining every angle of a problem and not just resolving momentary issues. ENTJs are constantly scanning their environment to turn problems into solutions and visualize where an organization is headed. They deal with things rationally and logically, black and white, grasp complexities fast, and make decisive judgements. They care about efficiency. ENTJs have a tremendous amount of presence when they walk in a room.

According to the Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument, or 5 styles of conflict, my test result is Accommodating. Meaning they give up what they want to make other people happy.

Everyone around me always gets what they want and I never get what I want.
My Breaking Point, has to do with the accumulation of injustices though. But the above point adds to the suffering. Been looking for a lawyer since OCT 2023. No lawyer has come to my rescue. Been rejected from over 94 lawyers. I hate these front desk girls because they are sooooo incompetent they can’t even book an appointment. If no lawyer has ever heard what Cherie has to say in an appointment, then these lawyers didn’t even give Cherie a chance. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with these front desk girls. Just book the appointment. I’ve suffered from incompetent women before, but these last 10 months really take the cake.

I’m a firm believer in keeping “work life” and “home life” separate. Don’t were you work. Side business is music, so friendship/business mixed together and it’s been a hard adjustment. ‘friend’ vs ‘foe’ thing. Sometimes its best if it is purely transactional. It’s been hard to wrap my head around it.
There’s also this “smug status layer”, which adds to the layered cake.

Definitely suffering in silence, hence why I need these 3 bodyguards/managers, most of the time I’m too hurt to make eye contact or talk to anybody. Injustice, after injustice, after injustice; there are a lot of shitty people out there. Life didn’t go according to plan. And none of these authority figures: lawyers, cops, ever gave a crap about me. Their supposed to protect the innocent and do right by me. Simply put, these are lazy cops that refuse to do the very job they are paid to do; the amount of hurt at their neglect is immense.
A lot of hurt from people, hence all the songs.

You’re welcome to call, txt. Cherie 204-771-4001.
Good meet spot is Starbucks, 495 Princess St, or
McDonalds, corner of Sir John A McDonald & Princess St.

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